On: Self Governance

i'm thinking of never voting ever again.  you see i'm not apathetic, i have voted in every national and local election that has been since i was legally of age.  i just find myself not really minding or caring who is in leadership of my country or local area.  it doesn't affect me at all.  i had to have a good think about why i feel this way this is my best answer.

i am my own leader.  my government is myself and my family.  i am a one man country with no borders.  i have my own wisdom to guide and lead myself and family into making the right directions.  i have trust in my own abilities and strengths.

i find that voting gives people an excuse to moan and complain.  voting if anything causes apathy and blame shifting.  "passing the buck" some might say.   we lose our instinctiveness and the ability to think for ourselves and live outside the square.

government and their departments are beige and boring, in my experience slow and useless.  bring back friendly societies and their willing hands.

anyway i must get back to work.  ird tax forms to fill out.